Thursday, July 19, 2012


I have 3 wonderful stories of PRAISE and THANKSGIVING tonight!  I couldn't wait to share them with everyone!!!!
  • Faith Williams' husband Donnie wrote this message tonight:  "As most of you know, today was a HUGE day for Faith. She successfully was infused with stem cells from a 23 year old young lady from Canada. God bless this unselfish lady. This lady should have other things on her mind other than helping someone she doesn't even know in another country, but God works in mysterious ways.She still has at least 4 weeks to go, and her kids miss her badly. But I tell ya, it will be worth it all when I bring Faith over the threshold of Paris. She misses all the things that make life normal and those things involve you who are reading this. You made her life blossom and she still wants to bring those smiles to everyones face and tell you she misses you. Life is good but it's golden when you stare death in the face. Boooo death!"
  • April McClour wrote this message:  "Thank you everyone for your prayers for Delilah Skye.  Her blood tests came back negative which means the antibiotics are working!  Thank God for pulling her through another critical situation.  Keep praying for her and thanks so much to all!!"
  • Amy Owens sent this message about her uncle Aubrey McNutt:  "I wanted to update everyone on my Uncle Aubrey.  The chemo is working!! Please keep lifting him up, we appreciate all the prayers!"

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