Monday, July 30, 2012

Prayer Requests - 7/30 - 7:01pm

Carole Anderson sent these prayer requests today:
  • Juanita Boren - precious but very frail little 88 year old lady who has a tumor on her right jaw. Will have surgery Aug 2 followed by radiation. Really scared and lives alone - no children to care for her.
  • Betty Boren - recently had full knee replacement. Healing and doing well but fell and hurt her hip. It wasn't broken but badly bruised. Having a lot of pain at this time. Betty is diabetic and having trouble with sugars due to the pain.
  • Laura Layton - Had steel plate removed from back. Lots of adhesions and a very long, painful surgery. Rods put back in her back, healing but in a lot of pain. Also she is diabetic and sugar level over 365 and out of control. Stress of surgery & pain causing some of elevation.
  • Marvin Wroten - was riding his bicycle last Tuesday morning when a dog ran out and grabbed his back tire. Flipped Marvin and he landed on his head on pavement, knocking him out. Full concussion, left side of body "scraped & skinned bad" and after leaving ER, found out at home that his left collar bone is broken in half. The doctors said his helmet saved his life.
  • Also, prayers for our Youth Group mission team in Dallas as they work at the homeless shelter this week.

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