Sunday, July 1, 2012

Weekly Update - 7/1 -- 10:21pm

Allen Jumper is at home now.
Valerie McClain is recovering from knee surgery.
Hugh Anthony continues to recover at home.  He would love visits.
Anna Zant continues to have health issues.
Carole Anderson asked for prayers for family members Curbe and Pat Goolsby. Praise for Curbe being able to walk again and prayers for continued improvement. Prayers for Pat as she struggles with her health.
Paul McClain asked that we keep our military and their families in our prayers.
Bailey Cannon will be leaving this week for a medical mission trip to Zambia.  Please pray for a safe journey and safety for a successful endeavor.

Pantry Needs:
  Peanut Butter & Jelly
July 2: Summer Youth Series
July 3: Terrific Tuesday (Trip to Woodall Ranch)
July 4: Classes will not meet - Church office closed
July 8: Faithful Readers
July 11: Dr. David Lane from Masalies Avenue in Dallas
July 17: H.A.L.O. meets at 6pm
July 17: Youth/30 Hours
July 18: Mike Crews
July 25: Steve Hemphill
July 30-Aug 3: Youth Mission Trip (grades 7-12)
Aug 1:  Steve Hemphill
Aug 8:  Derald Bulls
Aug 15: Paul Castleman
Aug 22: Tim Gibbs
Aug 29:  John Cannon
Love you - MEAN IT!

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