Monday, October 1, 2012

Weekly Update - 10/1 - 8:09am

Please remember these in your prayers:
  • Cheryl Bullard and her family as they mourn the loss of her cousin, Kenneth Baxter.
  • Troy Ashby, as he recovers from a fall from a horse.
  • Linda Erwin's high school classmate from Telephone, Kae Chaffin, had a massive heart attack and her prognosis is not positive.
  • Derald Bulls co-worker, Gloria Richter, began chemo this week.  Please pray for comfort and resolve her cancer.  Her husband is also in the hospital.
  • Leslie Keele's friend, Leona Cowan, has cancer that has returned to her liver.
  • Another friend of Leslie's, Bill Loyd, is in a lot of pain.
  • Lindsay McCarter asked that we continue to remember her Mom, Dianna Welch, as she will be having knee replacement surgery and heart tests.
  • Lindsay also asked that we remember her friends, Chris Whitaker (local realtor), has brain cancer and is not doing well.  And also, Patti Kyle, who has been diagnosed with breast cancer.
  • Wayne Kerby asked that we remember Martha Lenoir.  She fell and cut her head.  She is also battling cancer.
  • Justin Russell asked for prayers for Hazel Dover.  She is going to Dallas on Wednesday for heart surgery.  She's only one year old.
Trunk or Treat: - October 31st: We will once again have TorT. We'll have worship service, open to the community from 6:30-7:00pm, then open the TorT! If you are interested in being involved with this event, sign up sheets will be provided at the Welcome Center soon.
The Family Retreat - November 16-18: Be looking for sign up sheets and more details
 Remember that the food pantry is in dire need of EVERYTHING!
•1 lb bags of Rice
•1 lb bags of Beans
•Canned Goods (with pop top lid)
•Peanut Butter and Jelly
•Macaroni and Cheese
•Hot and Cold Cereal
•Cornbread Mix
Simple Supper: This week's entree for Simple Supper is PANCAKES. If you were not able to sign up on Sunday morning and want to join us on Wednesday night, please call the church office before noon on Tuesday.
Keep The Date:
Oct 7: Family LIFE Groups
Oct 14: Faithful Readers
Oct TBA: Trunk or Treat
Nov 7: Blood Drive
Nov 16-18: Family Retreat
Jan 18-20: Winterfest
Love you - MEAN IT!

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