Sunday, October 14, 2012

Weekly Update - 10/14 - 8:08pm

  • Carle Usry will be having a heart ablation procedure at Parkland this Wednesday morning at 7am.
  • Jeanie Lamb as she goes to the cancer doctor on Wednesday to see what her latest test results are.
  • Jimmy Faulkner recovering from heart procedures.
  • Dianna Welch - will be having knee replacement on Nov. 8th.
  • Renee Crews' friend, Kim Click, was injured in a car accident last week.
  • Lesa Bulls' friend, Suzanne Culbertson (a teacher at North Lamar), has been diagnosed with lymphoma and has starting chemo.
  • Derald Bulls' friend, Randy Rader, has been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer.  He had surgery in Plano this past Thursday. 
  • Tanya Welch's brother and niece, Mike Wallace and Tabitha Hearne, are both in jail.  Tanya asked for prayers for them and that their hearts be turned to God.
  • Mike Bishop's friend, Tom Gentry, as he will be having by-pass this week.
  • Charolette Bollman asked for prayers for baby Hudson Butler.  He had to have another surgery on Friday.
  • Linda Erwin's high school classmate, Kae Gibbs Chaffin, passed away this past week from a heart attack/bypass complications.  Please keep her family in your prayers.
  • Ramona Hickerson, a First Grade teacher at Justiss Elementary, is having health issues.

 Family Retreat at Beaver's Bend Park  will be on November 16-18. A times for families to grow closer and get to know one another better. It's also a time of great spiritual growth! Sign-up sheets and more details to come!

Simple Supper: This weeks' entree is Spaghetti and Meatballs. Please donate $2 per person. If you did not sign-up on Sunday morning and want to join us, please call the church office by Tuesday at noon, to reserve your spot.

Pantry Needs: Vegetables
Oct 21: Family LIFE Group
Oct 31: Trunk or Treat
Nov 7: Blood Drive
Nov 16-18: Family Retreat
Dec 16: Holiday Party
Jan 18: Winterfest

Love you - MEAN IT!

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