Monday, October 22, 2012

Weekly Update - 10/22 - 9:56am

  • Misty Gage asked that we remember her Mom, Lillian Taylor, and pray for improved mental and physical strength.
  • Please pray for my Mom, Louise McMillan, she's been feeling really bad.  Had the beginnings of pneumonia and wouldn't eat.  Her kidneys had quit working at one point this weekend. They've started her on antibiotics and she's some better.
  • Please pray for former Paris resident, Tony Nolan, and his family as they are grieving his death.  No funeral arrangements at this time.
  • Monzerath Garcia is a 3rd grader at Justiss Elementary.  His mom died after a battle of cancer.  There are 3 other children also.
  • Jeanie Lamb as she has cancer.
  • Carle Usry - heart health
  • Jimmy Faulkner  - heart health
  • Dianna Welch - as she prepares for surgery on her knee
Congratulations to the CHIPS (Christian Homeschool in Paris) Robotics team won 1st place of 29 schools in East Texas.  They will go to the State meet in Garland.  Justin Welch was a driver on the team.

TRUNK OR TREAT IS NEXT WEEK!!!  The community is welcome to join us for Praise and Worship in the auditorium from 6:30-7pm, at 7:30 we will have TRUNK OR TREAT until the candy runs out!  20 cars will be decorated and full of candy and an inflatable slide is also in the works!!!  Wear your costume and enjoy lots of treats in a safe Christian environment.

SIMPLE SUPPER:  This weeks entree' is CHICKEN ENCHILADA SOUP.  If you were not able to sign-up on Sunday morning and would like to join us for dinner and fellowship, please call the church office by noon on Tuesday to reserve your spot!  Please donate at least $2 per person.

FAMILY RETREAT:  For food, fun and fellowship, join us at Beaver's Bend State Park on November 16-18.  This is a time for our families to grow closer and get to know one another better.  It's also a time of spiritual growth.  Be looking for sign-up sheets and more details in the coming weeks.

PANTRY NEEDS:  Canned Chili and Ranch Style Beans

Keep the Date:
Oct 31:  Trunk or Treat
Nov 4:  Daylight Savings Time....FALL BACK ONE HOUR
Nov 7:  Blood Drive
Nov 11:  Faithful Readers
Nov 16-18: Family Retreat
Dec 16:  Holiday Party


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