Monday, November 5, 2012

Prayer Requests - 11/5 - 10:39am

  • Dianna Welch will have knee replacement on Thursday (11/8).   She now has a kidney infection and the shingles.  Specifically pray for no infection, post surgery and smooth recovery and therapy after surgery.
  • Carole Anderson asked that we continue to pray for her cousins, Curbe and Pat Goolsby.  Curbe is still paralyzed on the right side, from latest stroke.  And things look dim for any change.  Please pray for strength for Pat.
  • Please pray for the McMillan family as they going through some issues at this time.
  • Debra Usry asked that we pray for a friend of hers that God surrounds him and gives him the emotional, physical healing that he needs.
  • Phyllis Giguere is getting prepared for repair surgery and for healing.
  • Charlotte Grooms' brother, David Nelson, has received the news that his cancer is now in his spine.
  • Charlene Holmes will be moving to PRMC/South for rehab instead of going back to Springlake.

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