Sunday, November 18, 2012

Sunday - 11/18 - 6:28pm

Thank you Patrick for the very inspiring message this morning about "What is Life?".  And thank you to Keith for the song service.

Renee Crews went forward this morning asking for prayers.  She is a 13 year breast cancer survivor and has to have yearly mammograms.  The latest one came back with a suspicious spot.  She will be having more tests run.
Mindy Younger also went forward this morning.  She is having a very hard times in her life right now.  Her Mom, Kathy Marshall, came forward with her in support of Mindy.  They also asked for prayers for Mary Lee Miller and her husband, who is having serious health issues.

  • Kristi Anthony is in Baylor Heart Hospital/Plano.  Her heart is stable, but she isn't responding as they think she should be.  Bloodwork has been sent to the Mayo Clinic for further testing.  Please keep Jay and the boys in your prayers also.
  • Hugh Anthony is at home recovering from his recent surgery.
  • Floyd Embry is in PRMC/N-Room 543, after shoulder surgery.
  • Sharon Kinnison is in PRMC/N-Room 550 after knee replacement.
  • Dianna Welch will have knee replacement surgery this Tuesday afternoon (11/20).
  • Rickey McFadden has been diagnosed with Audiometric Air-Bone Gap.  (He woke up one morning and had no hearing in one ear.)
  • Johnny Nabors brother, Phillip, has kidney failure.  He only has 9% function at this time.
  • Charlotte Grooms' brother, David Nelson, will start chemo on Monday.
  • Anna Zant's Mom, Christine Mashburn - health
  • Vera Wilson's son is back from Afghanistan.
Please pray for safety for those coming back from the Family Retreat.

Gene Stallings spoke to us this morning about an opportunity to help with a medical mission in Haiti.  Dr. David and Laurie Vanderpool have made 30 trips to Haiti since the earthquakes, taking food and medical services. 
Gene told us that these people are the poorest of the poor.  They have nothing.  He told of a mother who was feeding her baby mud, because she had no food.   
David and Laurie have bought 65 acres of land with plans of building an orphanage, school, hospital and other buildings.  Gene and Ruth Ann are taking on the responsibility of building the hospital and would like our help.  The elders have set aside Sunday, December 2nd, as the day for a special contribution for this work. 
If you have any further questions or would like to help in other ways, please talk with Gene about this.

Tuesday Night - This will be our mid-week service.  Everyone meet in the auditorium for a time of worship.

Pantry Needs:  Toiletries and Soup

Keep The Date:
Nov 20:  Mid Week Worship Change - All classes in auditorium
Nov 21-23:  Thanksgiving Holidays (Church office closed)
Dec 2: Family Life Groups
Dec 16:  Holiday Party "Hee Haw Revival" at Aiken Elementary
Dec 17: Ladies Ornament Exchange
Dec 24-26: Christmas Holidays (Church office closed)
Jan 13: Faithful Readers

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