Monday, November 26, 2012

Updates on Kristi Anthony - 11/26

Posted at 2:10pm:  Kristi needs your help right now. Up until today I believe that Kristi has received wonderful care here. The neurologist was even more positive this morning but after the CCU doctor gave us his negative "poor" outlook prognosis then everyone around here has changed their attitude completely. They are talking to us about making decisions in our heart. Furthermore the social worker who was supposed to be here early this morning to discuss long-term care facilities has not evn shown up yet...and I've asked for her. The truly amazing thing about this situation is that Kristi has made more steps forward yesterday and today than ever. She responded to both me and her brother Mike by blinking "yes" several times each. WHY are the hospital care givers giving up NOW? Kristi needs your prayers NOW and IF ANYONE KNOWS how to help us in this situation Kristi could use you NOW if you have any experience or expertise or advice. Austin, Tyler, Cody, and I need our Kristi and the world is a much better place with her. GOD is in CONTROL and HE will heal her. We cannot have the doctors give up when she is making steps are still steps! - PLEASE - Jay

Posted at 10:05am:  A different doctor (pulmonary critical care) came in just now and told us very bluntly that the outlook for recovery was "poor". This time I didn't even break down because God immediately reminded me of David in 1 Samuel 16 - David was a "poor" choice for king in man's eyes. Most of the people in Hebrews 11 were also "poor choices"...I see a pattern of my God taking "poor" and making it powerful! Afterwards the nurse came in and said "he (the doctor) is not in control and God is". I am not being foolishly optimistic here (and for those of you who know me you know that is impossible for me anyway); God has given me such peace that He has more plans for Kristi. I ask for your continued prayers of complete healing. - Jay

Posted at 9:40am:  Kristi is stirring a little more today. Moving her left leg and her left arm a little more. She opens her eyes more often now. All encouraging things...God has renewed our strength each day. The doctors will probably do the tracheostomy soon. Our prayer today is for continued improvement with a complete healing as the result. PS 27:14 - Wait patiently for the Lord. Be brave and courageous. Yes, wait patiently for the Lord. - Jay

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