Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Updates on Kristi Anthony - 11/27

Posted at 8pm:  "More answered prayers...we now have Kristi's information in front of someone very high up at UT Southwestern...so PRAY THAT THEY WILL ACCEPT KRISTI at Zale Lipshy!!! Pray Hard Please...this is very important."

Posted at 5:15pm:  "We saw definitive improvements today. Kristi blinked in response to the "pessimistic" doctors questions and she reached out towards him. Kristi tried to smile at my sister, Paula twice! Then they had to sedate her again to put the PEG tube in. Its frustrating to see baby steps then set backs from more sedation but it is part of the process. This will happen again tomorrow when they do the tracheostomy. We have now requested to be transferred to UTSW Zale Lipshy. They are experts in neurology and this is what we now need. PLEASE PRAY FOR THIS TRANSFER TO HAPPEN QUICKLY. We believe more strongly every day (I don't know how God can strengthen us in our weakness but He does) that God's plan for Kristi's FULL and COMPLETE recovery is in the works! After visiting 3 LTAC's I believe that it was confirmed that moving to an LTAC is NOT the right move now. Our specific prayer requests are a quick transfer to Zale Lipshy and continued complete healing. To God be ALL of the glory! Thank you again and again from our family - Jay"

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