Sunday, December 2, 2012

Update on Kristi Anthony - 12/2

Posted at 9am:  "Do not be anxious about anything .. but in everything .. by prayer and petition .. with thanksgiving .. present your requests to God .. Philippians 4:6
Please continue to pray specifically for Kristi and remember to Thank God for all He has done in her road to recovery .. we are so honored to petition our Father on her behalf and stand amazed at the mighty work He has done."

Posted at 8am:  "GOD IS HEALING Kristi NO DOUBT! Yesterday the nurses moved Kristi to a "Barton Chair" for a few hours to help with skin care and avoid muscle atrophy. Kristi did attempt to nod her head and it seemed very possible that she was also trying to speak to us. - the Anthony's"

Posted at 8am:  "Today as so many of our friends gather to worship God together we would like to ask your church family to THANK God for all that He has done for Kristi and for continued complete healing. This is going to be a big week for us with a surgery scheduled and hopefully a move to either rehab (or an LTAC if we don't yet qualify for rehab)...either way please pray for REAHAB (or an LTAC if Kristi is not yet ready) otherwise the other option is a lower level of care which Kristi is not healthy enough for...(insurance driven medical care) Our MANY Thanks - the Anthony's"

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