Friday, December 7, 2012

Update on Kristi Anthony

‎Posted at 9:15pm:  1 Corinthians 6:14 "Now God has not only raised the Lord, but will also raise us up through His power." Mom is resting now, she isn't as alert has previous days, but we are praying she will be tomorrow so the rehab will be more effective. Please pray specifically that she is more alert and aware tomorrow. It's very frightening for her when she isn't aware of her surroundings. We ask that you continue to pray with your heart. Thanks again for everything you all have done and continue to do. -Austin"

Posted Friday afternoon from Jay:  "Not a very productive day in rehab...the night nurse gave Kristi sleeping medication and pain medication AFTER I told her not to. She said it was ordered by the doctor which I found out today was ONLY as needed. So needless to say Kristi has been very tired and fairly unresponsive and since they rehab is very limited on weekends it will now be Monday before she really gets to do anything. FRUSTRATION describes this day. I have asked to speak to the nurse manager time and time again to discuss the "night" medications but have yet to see him. I have been asking since we got here for an EP cardiologist to follow her and have not been given an answer on that either! GOOD NEWS...All of the therapists (Physical, Speech, Occupational, and Recreational) are top-notch caring professionals and what the nurses are so lacking in the therapists make up. Obviously this process will have ups and downs and we must rely on God's goodness to get us through and we must be patient and long-suffering with others. It's sometimes hard to do though. Happy Birthday Cody! In Christ - the Anthony's"

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