Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Update on Kristi Anthony

Posted by Jay at 11:45am:  Kristi swallowed some water with her speech therapist this morning and then she went straight to physical therapy where she moved her legs and feet on command and tried to high five the PT! She is now in occupational therapy. She broke down and started crying this morning after ST because she realized that she couldn't remember things that she wanted to remember (this is good though). She told the PT her name and she is wanting to move forward. The doctor gave us a possible discharge date of January 16 BUT that is a guess and I know OUR GOD and my wife and she is progressing much faster than modern medicine can predict. GOD IS GOOD and HE IS IN CONTROL!!! Please remember Austin today as he will be returning home and this is ALWAYS hard on us all. Tyler and Cody need your prayers too as they are home without us even though they are all being cared for very lovingly. Sandy and I need your prayers for strength, which God supplies daily. Remember the boys testing (Tyler and Cody have more on Thursday) and Kristi's progress towards her complete healing. AGAIN God is Good - Jay

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