Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Update on Kristi Anthony

Posted by Jay at 12:30pm:  "Great news! The therapist just asked Kristi to solve 10 math equations and she got every one of them correct! More glory to God. What a great math teacher."

Posted by Jay at Noon:  "Therapy began a little slow today as Kristi is very fatigued, probably from two big days already this week. This is a roller coaster ride emotionally and physically BUT it shouldn't be such...I took a break and came back to the hotel and God gave me this: Romans 8:28 Everything works for good to those who love the Lord and are called according to his purpose. My prayer was then "Lord thank you for giving me peace even when I don't deserve it due to my lack of faith at times" God is Good all of the time. When the doctors keep enforcing their belief that we will be here a minimum of 4-6 weeks longer and quite possibly more then on to post acute inpatient rehab for a lengthy stay it rattles us BUT it shouldn't! God has CONTINUALLY shown us that HE ALONE is in control of this situation and HE ALONE will determine the healing process. Kristi is alive today BECAUSE of GOD ALONE! I think that our oldest son, Austin understands more than any of us "adults" have during this trial as he said the Creator made the doctors too so how can they know better than the Creator? I am so proud of Austin and I cannot wait to tell Kristi about the rock that she raised up from a baby! I further cannot wait to tell her about the love that you all have shown her with your CONTINUOUS prayers and acts of kindness. She will be so amazed and humbled, as our entire family already has been. with Renewed Peace and In Christ - Jay"

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