Friday, December 28, 2012

Update on Kristi Anthony

Posted by Jay tonight:  "Today has been another progressive day, Kristi is now on a regular diet and no more tube feedings! She did extremely well in therapy today. She is very actively conversing with everyone. She continues to struggle with her memory but God will restore it! We visited Pate Rehab today and now must begin praying hard for our next step which could happen within the next three weeks. We are confident that God will lead us to the right place as He has done time and time again. Thank you all for faithful PRAYERS, God is in Control. - Jay"

Posted by Kristi's brother Mike last night:  "Spent last night with Kristi. To see the progress she makes daily is seeing the miracle God has been working on continuously. She has a long road ahead, no doubt. However, to see where she has traveled to this point is, again, a miracle.
She is in such good spirits and is working hard every chance she gets. She was able to feed herself, at times, this morning. What a blessed sight this was.
Please continue praying for her full recovery. Please pray that the boys and my test results for Long QT Syndrome come back negative. Please pray for mom and Jay for physical and mental strength. They have been inspirational to us all for their unwavering dedication to Kristi and her recovery process.
Remember, it's a marathon, not a sprint. God bless and good night!"

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