Sunday, December 30, 2012

Update on Kristi Anthony

Posted by Jay this afternoon:  "We need strength today...this process is a BLESSING but at times we are physically and emotionally drained. Sandy, Austin, Tyler, Cody, and myself all feel the drain more on some days than others. Kristi feels the drain everyday. Even though it seems you could just "get away" and escape from time to time it is impossible because Kristi needs our constant help and we will not leave her side as she WOULD NEVER and HAS NEVER left ours so our request from God and our faithful prayer warriors today is for STRENGTH. David cries many many times to God to answer his prayers QUICKLY so I do not think it unfitting to ask God to give us strength quickly! We are so thankful for God's love and faithfulness as well as all of you who have so blessed us continually."

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