Monday, December 31, 2012

Update on Kristi Anthony

Posted by Jay at 3:30 today:  "Therapy has gone well again today with more increased physical strength. Kristi's attention span is getting better. We need God's healing hand on her memory and cognitive health. He is working! Austin is still sick with a virus so please continue to pray for him and that Tyler and Cody don't get it and please pray that Sandy and I can stay healthy for Kristi's care. Matt is coming to spend the night with his sister tonight which will give us some rest. Sandy really needs it after a long night with Kristi last night. Mike will be here to stay on Tuesday night and Chris again on Saturday. They have been such a tremendous help to give us a break each week. Please pray for my Dad, Hugh who is trying to recover from a stoke which happened the week before Kristi's incident. It has been hard on us being away from my Dad during his illness and my Mom, Jean needs strength during her time to care for my Dad. Grace - Jay"

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