Thursday, December 6, 2012

Updated on Kristi Anthony - 12/6

Posted by Jay last night:  "Romans 11:6 - "But if it is by grace, it is no longer on the basis of works, otherwise grace is no longer grace." Sitting in our hospital ICU room looking at Kristi as she recovers more each day I am so thankful that God gives from His great love and NOT what I deserve! 21 days ago our world was turned upside down and our priorities were completely changed. What was so important then is meaningless now. God, Family, friends. and others are really all that matter now. Being human I realize that we all suffer from short-term memory and the law of diminishing intent BUT I pray that this trial has forever changed me, my family, and all others who have been touched by this event. I have learned (hopefully forever) to TRUST in Him ALONE. I pray that I will never again lean on my own understanding and abilities because I have seen that they are so lacking when they are outside of my control and narrow focus. I have learned that I really don't have any control over anything that has lasting meaning. People are all that really matter in this life and without God we have absolutely NOTHING. I hope that this trial has brought us all to the Masters throne. He wants nothing more than our hearts and nothing less than our all. Our life was so busy before this that I often neglected the important to care for the urgent. When the important was almost taken away I then saw clearly that everything that was so urgent was really just a distraction from God and the people who mattered most. I also had my hope renewed in the human race. It is so easy to only see the bad in our world but when my family was in real need people that I have never even met (nor may ever see) came to our aid with cards, gifts, food, visits, and countless PRAYERS. I will never be able to thank you all for everything that you have done and continue to do for us. My prayer is that each and every person who reads this will be blessed as much as my family has been through this trial. - In Christ, Jay"

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