Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Updates on Kristi Anthony - 12/18

Jay posted at 10am:  "Psalm 92:1-2 "It is good to give thanks to the Lord, to sing praises to the Most High. It is good to proclaim your unfailing love in the morning, your faithfulness in the evening." We awoke to a beautiful morning, Kristi is very talkative this morning and ready for therapy. God has prepared her for this journey by giving her such great strength and so many wonderful friends to pray and cheer her on. The health care professionals are constantly amazed at her progress. All we can keep saying is "God is in Control and He is AMAZING". We are blessed continually by loving people. Today Laura Cannon and Angie Duren are coming to stay with Kristi this afternoon so that Sandy and I can run get a Christmas present for the boys, not that any of us need another present besides Kristi's good progress! It will be the first time that we have both really left the hospital since November 16th so PRAY for us because it is going to be hard to leave even for a little while. We know that Kristi is being cared for but still it is going to be hard not to be here. God continues to give us more than we can even ask for or imagine. - Jay"

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