Sunday, December 23, 2012

Weekly Update 12/23

Thank you Patrick for the very moving message this morning.  The title was "You've Gotta See This".  During the lesson, he had us listen to the song "Mary Did You Know", by Acappella.  (Click on the title and you can listen again.) 
Thank you Curtis for all the wonderful songs of the season.  It makes my heart feel so good to watch the little ones sing these songs.

Responses:  April McClour went forward this morning asking for prayers for the struggles in her life.

Our sympathy is extended to Louise Peace as she is mourning the loss of her last sibling, Lois Thacker, passed away on Thursday in Brownwood.
  • Kristi Anthony continues in Zale Lipshy for rehab. She's doing better each day! Please remember that Austin, Tyler, and Cody's testing is in process. Pray specifically that they do NOT have Long QT Syndrome."
  • Anita Roden is at home recovering after surgery.  She is experiencing some pain.  Great to see her at church this morning.
  • Tyler Michael (Slawson's son-in-law) has cancer and taking treatments.
  • Sara Deen Goree has been released from the hospital and is back at The Home Place.
  • Derald Bulls had surgery this past Thursday.  All went well, he had a torn meniscus, cleaned, shaved & repaired.
  • Dianna Welch is recovering at home from knee surgery and is doing well.
  • Jaymie (Spencer) Phillips, as she recovers from a heart attack.
  • Jeanie Lamb has lung cancer and started radiation this week.
  • My son's grandfather, R.D. Sprinkle, is at home with hospice.
  • My friend, Jerry Jarrell's Mom Geraldine Jarrell, has been diagnosed with cancer of the kidneys.
  • Naomi Bassett's nephew, Buryl Ashford, had a triple by-pass surgery.
  • Charlotte Groom's asked for prayers for a former Justiss Elementary student, Joe Dale Morrison.  He was 7 years old and passed away.
  • Anna Zant continues to have health issues and her Mom, Christine Mashburn, is still experiencing health problems. 
  • Connie Ausmus will be having a CT test on Dec. 26th. 
  • Remember all those that are traveling this holiday season.
Pantry Needs:  Toiletries

Keep The Date
Dec 24-26: Christmas Holiday - Office Closed
Dec 25: Louie and Marolyn Woodall would like to invite those that will be alone for Christmas to come to their home.  (Bring a dish and/or a game)
Dec 26: No evening classes
Dec 30: Special Contribution for Hurricane Sandy
Dec 30: 5th Sunday Pot Luck
Jan 6: T.O.P.P. Program starts (feeding the children)
Jan 6: Blue Baby Shower for Brian and Chasity McClain
Jan 13: "The Story" begins
Jan 13: Faithful Readers

Love you - MEAN IT!

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