Saturday, January 26, 2013

Prayer Request - 1/26

Lucy Offutt sent this message tonight:  "My aunt, Lucy Price, was buried this past Wednesday.
John Dismore, April McClour's adoptive dad, is terminal and progressing toward the end pretty rapidly. 
My sister, Virginia Phillips, is at home and is doing well. I would like to ask for continued prayers for her daughter who is trying to take care of her with very little assistance.  I had planned to be my sister's caregiver this weekend, but I lost function in my left knee (the one left that God gave me) and I was not able to walk or drive, much less lift, ambulate and care for my sister. I did not want to wind up in the bottom of the heap with no assistance. We all still need maximum prayers. and I want to thank you all for all those much-needed and appreciated prayers. I love you all and I mean it too!!"

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