Monday, January 21, 2013

Update on Kristi Anthony

Posted by Austin at 5pm:  "Just talked to mom and nana on the phone and mom walked 500 feet four times with a rolling walker! Her memory was great, she remembered things that I had forgotten. She told me everything she did today and she hasn't been able to do that yet. I love her so much. Just when I start to lose faith, God always shows me what He is doing. I haven't been faithful at all the last two weeks but God still shows me His work. Today after talking to mom I realized its foolish to be angry or frustrated at God because He is good and continues to improve moms situation. Please continue to pray for mom dad and Nana. - Austin"

Posted by Jay at 10:15am:  "More PT today! Kristi walked 400 feet! She is progressing nicely and now God is showing His power in Anna at Pate Rehab! God is in Control. Complications today as Matt got his test results to find the gene that caused his Long QT Syndrome...the results showed up negative for all of the 12 known genes that cause the condition. Since he is known to have the condition this has baffled the doctorsSouthlake the same day....prayers PLEASE. In Christ - Jay"

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