Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Update on Kristi Anthony

Posted by Jay at 3:30pm:   "Met with the doctor and therapists at Pate today and they gave us an estimated discharge date of mid July...BUT they don't know Kristi or her God! Great things can happen in God's time which may be much different than ours. God is in Control! We are going to make an appeal to our Father that He speed up the progress...WE ALL NEED KRISTI home and healed. This is Austin's senior year and he needs his Mom with final high school ball games, graduation, last year at home etc.,). Tyler will turn 16 this spring and start driving and he needs his mom. Cody is 12, an impressionable age, and he needs his mom. Jay is getting old and worn out and I need my beautiful wife! The worries can get overwhelming...since I came home Sunday night (to try to give the boys some kind of "normal" home) I've been waking up several times each night to check that our three boys are breathing and at the same time feeling guilty that I'm not there with Kristi all of the time this week...I can't sleep at times when I won't let go of the anxiousness BUT I know that worry is wrong and I should give it to God. Sometimes I just fail miserably. Anyway the test results won't be back until the end of February but now we know that they may tell us nothing. Hopefully we will find out something beneficial from Matt's additional testing on Friday. We are learning that all of our trust must lie with HIM or it is useless. - Jay"

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