Saturday, January 26, 2013

Update on Kristi Anthony

Posted by Jay at 11:30am:  "Matt came through his testing just fine...thanks for the prayers. They found nothing to help determine what happened to Kristi or to help find out if they boys have the same issue. I am meeting with the EP cardiologist on Wednesday during Kristi's appointment to decide what to do next. This was what the EP had initially told me would be the worst-case for determining if our boys have the same problem. We are not even certain now if Kristi's was Long QT??? Time to AGAIN and ALWAYS depend on God for guidance and allow Him to take away our anxiety by turning it all over to Him. Hebrews 11:1 - He already knows the answers to all of our questions and He has perfect peace for us if only we will give our worries to Him and allow His good work to be completed. There will be troubles in this imperfect and sin-filled world BUT our trust is in the One who created this world with perfection and not in ourselves who are unable to see even what the next moment of our life holds for us. Faith is believing in what we cannot see and He has given our family plenty of reasons to have faith in Him regardless of what today looks like with our short sightedness. God is in Control and He will work this all out for good in His time - Jay"

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