Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Update on Kristi Anthony

Posted by at 7:15pm by Jay:  "The Cardiologist sent Kristi's genetic tests in today so hopefully something conclusive (how about a definite negative to all genetic disorders) will come back in about 8 weeks. It will be wonderful if this is the END of all testing due to a great outcome! I know it is a positive sign of progress BUT Kristi desperately wants to come home!!! Please let me assure you that we do acknowledge and appreciate this fact BUT we want and need her home as much as she wants and needs to be home. PLEASE PRAY for increased short term memory improvement at a rapid and MIRACULOUS rate! It is exhausting and difficult to be separated from your family for any reason and so many of you have had to experience this in your life so you know how it feels. God will give us the strength to endure this until He heals her and we will continue to give Him thanks! - In Christ, Jay"

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