Sunday, January 20, 2013

Weekly Update - 1/20

  • Dorothy O'Brian, Debbie Wilson's Mom, passed away on Monday.  Her services were on Friday.
  • Edward Baker, Kristy Rodgers' Dad, passed away on Thursday morning.  His funeral service was this afternoon in Oklahoma.
  • Gerald & Mary Doty's grandson, James Lindenblatt, died tragically last Sunday in an avalanche in Colorado.
  • Lucy Offutt's aunt's funeral will be on Wednesday morning in Bonham.
  • Stacy Kennedy was baptized on Wednesday night.  She has 3 children; Gage, Nicole and Peyton.

  • Perry Hanley is in PRMC and had a biopsy on his thyroid on thyroid.
  • Butch Mills had a PET scan on Friday.  He will have the results this Friday (1/25).
  • Jessica Harris was diagnosed with a critically low potassium level.  She's trying meds and further testing will be done.
  • Kristi Anthony - as she continues to be in Zale Lipshy Rehab.
  • Austin, Tyler and Cody Anthony - as they wait to find out the results of the Long QT testing.
  • Wanda McFadden - Health
  • Sharon Thielman's Mom, Margie Queen, has been moved to PRMC/5th floor.  She has Alzheimer's. 
  • Joyce Allen is continuing to recover from a heart attack.
Monte Cox will be here this next weekend for a seminar "The Future of Faith". He will meet with the leadership of the church on Friday night. Saturday morning at 10am-4pm and also Sunday morning. 

LTC:  It's time to start planning for Leadership Training for Christ.  There are sign-up sheets on the Youth Board in the hallway of the Outreach Center.  (You will turn them in there also.)

Simple Supper:  This weeks' entree is Breakfast Tacos.  $2 per person.  If you weren't able to sign-up to reserve your spot, call the church office by noon on Tuesday.

Pantry Needs:  Peanut Butter and Jelly

Margaret Lough will be retiring, as church secretary, at the end of February.  Kim Hanley will be taking her place.

Jan 23:  Ladies Bible Class
Jan 26-27:  Monte Cox here for seminar
Feb 10:  Faithful Readers
Mar 6:  Blood Drive

Love you - MEAN IT!

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