Sunday, January 6, 2013

Weekly Update - 1/6

Thank you Patrick for the lesson this morning from Ephesians 3.  Paul was praying for the church while he was in prison.  And while in prison, he was witnessing for the Lord.

Responses this morning: 
  *Jessica Cowen says that she has guilt that she has to let go of.
  *Alexis Cowen  says that she wants to be forgiven of her sins and that she wants to do more for God.

We've had lots of families experiencing loss over the last couple of weeks.  Please keep the following in your prayers:
  *Louise Peace's sister, Lois Thacker.
  *Danny Bull's dad, Charles Bulls.
  *Ruth Ann Stallings sister-in-law, Gloria Jack.
  *Webber Woodall's aunt, Betty Woodall.

Please keep the following in your prayers this week:
  *Kristi Anthony - as she continues to be in Zale Lipshy Rehab.
  *Austin, Tyler and Cody Anthony - as they wait to find out the results of the Long QT testing.
  *Anita Roden as she recovers from another surgery on her neck this past Thursday.  She remains in ETMC/Tyler at this time.
  *Jeanie Lamb as she is continuing with chemo treatment.
  *Derald Bulls asked that we pray for James Carter.  (College St. Church of Christ member.)  He has had his foot amputated and will have a heart procedure in the morning.
  *Linda Erwin's brother, Jack Lewallen, remains in the hospital in Redding, Calif.  He's having problems following his by-pass surgery this week.
Also, Linda asked that we pray for Linda Smart, her niece.  She is recovering from neck surgery in Boston.  She's in ICU due to oxygen levels dropping so low.
  *Teresa Allen asked that we pray for Roddy's step-dad, James Donham from Roxton.  He passed away today.  (Roddy, Teresa and their 2 boys, Corey and Joey, have been visiting LACOC for a couple of months.)
  *Carole Anderson's cousin, Curbe Goolsby, needs continued prayers for his recovery from a stroke.  He is back in the nursing home but he has a very long recovery ahead of him.  Prayers for his family as they are tending to him.
  *Kathy Marshall asked for prayers for Mindy and Kyle Miller, for the counseling that they are receiving and for God to work in their lives.  Also pray for her Mom, Lorraine Erickson.  She is now here in a nursing home and trying to adjust.
  *Greg Wilson asked for prayers as he is traveling to Austin on Jan. 31st.
  *My friend, Kimberly Stribling, will be going for additional mammography testing in Dallas tomorrow.
  *My cousin, Susan Flanary-Turner, will have knee replacement surgery tomorrow at PRMC.
  *Nancy Arguello (local hairdresser) is in PRMC/ICU.
  *Jeremy Stephens (co-worker of Webber's at Walmart) has been very sick for the last few months with heart issues.  He's now on a leave of absence.

Area Wide Church Service will be next Sunday evening at 5pm at College Street Church of Christ.

Family Life Groups will be meeting weekly this year.  Please see your group leader for time and meeting place each week.

Ladies Bible Class:  Resumes THIS week, January 9th, with Early Birds @ 9:30am and class @10am.  The Names of God will be the study topic.

Faithful Readers will be meeting on Sunday, Jan. 13th at 4pm in Room 17.  Left to Tell...Discovering God Amidst The Rwandan Holocaust by Immaculee Ilibagiza.  Please join us and bring a friend!

Wednesday Night Simple Supper:  This weeks' entree is Lasagna.  Please donate at least $2 per person.  If you didn't get the chance to sign-up on Sunday morning and decide you want to join us, please call the church office by Tuesday at noon.

Pantry Needs:  Soup, Peanut Butter and Jelly

Keep The Date
Jan 9:  Ladies Bible Class Resumes
Jan 13: "The Story" begins
Jan 13: Area Wide Church Service at College Street at 5pm
Jan 13: Faithful Readers
Jan 18-20:  WinterFest 2013
Love you - MEAN IT!

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