Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Prayer Request - 2/6

Debra Usry sent this message regarding her grandson, Lucas Simpson:  "Lucas will be having surgery today at 5:30pm. Dr. Erickson will be putting metal plates in his face under and around his right eye. This is to stabilize the fractures and some shattered areas that he was concerned would not heal correctly, if this is not done. He was also concerned with the appearance of Lucas's face later, after healing. He was worried that the outside area of his eye would be a little droopy and sometimes when these things happen, some of the fat pad goes into the fractures or air bubbles, causing an indention in his face. I want Lucas to look the same, so we went with surgery. If all things go well, and he is not in very much pain, he should go back to school on Monday. And yes, from what Officer Boaz has told me, the young man that hit Lucas, WILL be charged and arrested sometime this week.
Also, Dr. Erickson got Lucas in the same day to see Dr. Lin, one of the eye Doctors, to check out his eye. Dr. Lin said his eye was fine and that it would take another 3 days to a week for all the blood inside the white of his eye to be re-absorbed by his body....but it actually looks much better today!!" 

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