Saturday, February 23, 2013

Update Kristi Anthony

Posted today by Kristi's brother Mike Welch:  "Had a great visit with Kristi today. We also had great visit with my brother Matt! Kristi was in a great mood and she laughed more I'm 2 1/2 hours than I have seen in 3 1/2 months. She still struggles with some short term memory issues but there is an obvious difference from just 3 weeks ago. Please continue to pray for Kristi, her boys and Jay. Also pray for our mom. She has been an earthly angel during this time doing what any mom would do. Pray for rest and rejuvenation as she is at home each weekend then back with Kristi during the week.   Remember, it's a marathon not a sprint .. but I'm ready to see Kristi sprint to the finish line!"

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