Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Update on Kristi Anthony

Posted at 9pm by Austin:  "I have been praying for God to show me a sign that He is going to completely heal our mom and tonight He showed me that sign. I just got off the phone with mom. We have been reading Psalms together every night. Tonight we read Psalm 28,29,30. It talks about David feeling like God left him, but then restored his faith and power afterwards. I feel like he means he was being tested. After we read those three chapters mom said, "Austin, you know before too long it won't be like this anymore". She really hasn't grasped this whole subject totally (though she understands completely what happened with her "accident") so I said what do you mean? She said, "Well I won't be away from y'all for too much longer, soon It'll be back to normal and we won't have to worry about this stuff and we can just live a normal life again". Normally this would have made me and her cry but I felt joy like never before because I knew this was the sign I asked God to show me. He has brought our mom from death to complete healing. Don't ever forget what He can do and never lose faith because he isn't human and He will do what is good. I have messed up as much as anyone in my life but don't forget that you can always come back to God and He will always accept you back with open arms. Don't wait to return to His Love because when you are in His Love your life will be amazing. -Austin"
Posted at 6pm by Jay:  "God is in Control! This is so hard on Kristi and the boys but we will make it. Prayers are being heard thank you for faithfullness in asking God for them. Jay"

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