Monday, February 4, 2013

Weekly Update - 2/4

* Keep the Hanley family in your prayers as they are mourning the death of James' father, Perry.
* Kristi Anthony - is continuing her rehab at the Pate Rehab Center in Anna, TX.
* Austin, Tyler and Cody Anthony - as they wait to find out the results of the Long QT testing.
* Continue to remember Lance Johnson as he fights ALS (Lou Gehrig's disease).
* Linda Hostetler suffered a heart attack last week and is in PRMC.

LTC: It's time to start planning for Leadership Training for Christ. There are sign-up sheets on the Youth Board in the hallway of the Outreach Center. (You will turn them in there also.)

Simple Supper: This weeks' entree is Tater Tot Casserole. $2 per person. If you weren't able to sign-up to reserve your spot, call the church office by noon on Tuesday.

Pantry Needs:  Canned Meat and Size 5 Diapers

There is a group meeting in the the far end of the gym...every Sunday morning at 8:30 we’re having “Pantry Prayer” time.
You can come and go between 8:30 and 9:00.
We are specifically praying on behalf of “The Story”.
Yes – we actually meet in the pantry at the far end of the gym, amongst the canned goods and paper plates.

Feb 6:  Ladies Bible Class
Feb 10: Chapter 4 of "The Story" - Deliverance
Feb 10: Life Groups
Feb 10: Faithful Readers
Mar 6: Blood Drive

Love you - MEAN IT!

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