Friday, March 22, 2013

Prayer Request - 3/22

Becky Inman, Judy Brockway Trammel's sister, passed away. No other details are known at this time.

Rita Pringle wanted to remind everyone that Christian Academy from St. Louis will be at LACOC on Sunday night to sing for us at 6:45pm.

Sue Munday sent this prayer request: "Mine and Butch's brother-in-law, Richard Donahoo, passed away last night (Thursday) in Cleburne. His wife, Valeria (Butch's sister) was released early from the hospital so she could be with him. No funeral arrangements are available at this time.

Molly Woodall asked for prayers for her family. Her mom, Louise McMillan, isn't doing well. Please pray for Ease and her family.

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