Thursday, March 14, 2013

Prayer Request Updates - 3/14

Kathy Daniels had an appointment with an oncologist this morning in Dallas and sent this message:  "Thank you so much for all the prayers.  The doctor thinks it is a nerve sheath benign tumor!  We are waiting to schedule biopsy/surgery now!  Please keep that prayer line going for a few more days!"  And an update....she will have surgery next Wednesday morning at Presbyterian in Dallas.

Joanne Wood sent this message:  "Tom has started his chemo/radiation treatments.  (6-8 treatments of chemo and 33 treatments of radiation over a 6-7 week period.)  Radiation started 3/12 and chemo started on 3/13.  Joann says 'Big Love and Thanks to all of you'!  Please pray for healing!  Habakkuk 3:17-19:  The Sovereign Lord is my strength..."

Sue Munday sent this message:  "Butch Munday's sister, Valeria Donahoo, has been on our prayer list for a while.  Her mastectomy will be on March 20th.  Please remember her husband Richard also.  He has been diagnosed with liver cancer and is currently in the hospital awaiting treatment options."

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