Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Update on Kristi Anthony

Posted by the Anthony's at 7:30pm tonight:  "God is in Control! This has been our family's resting place during these long and difficult months. Sometimes we fail to trust in His greatness but He always brings us back. Without Him we are NOTHING. It is very difficult right now with no big steps of progress BUT it is definitely better than it was in February, January, December and certainly November. I want to assure you all that we are still here and Kristi is still in need of your faithful prayers. It is tough BUT we have all been forced to put our trust in the only source of Hope...God through Christ Jesus. There is NOTHING special about us or our situation and EVERYONE has pain in their own lives which is why we are so HUMBLED that you are sticking by us in this time, WE NEED YOUR PRESENCE AND PRAYERS. Thank You - the Anthony's."

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