Friday, April 26, 2013


What a wonderful WELCOME HOME for Kristi today. 
Lots of friends, family and strangers joined together to greet her with some Lamar County love!
Red balloons (for heart health), huge smiles, signs made by some of the cutest little children and tears were evident from all of those that were there!
We were witnessing answered prayers.
We were witnessing LOVE.
We were witnessing a community, who may not have known Kristi before, but they know her, and her family, now. 
Friends have prayed for her, sent cards, prayed, called, prayed, visited, prayed, patted the back of one of her boys, prayed, gone to her house and gotten it ready for this day, prayed, fixed food, prayed, etc etc etc.
The important thing is ... we all PRAYED.
We've read the words of her husband, Jay, begging everyone to pray for his wife. He has shown the love that we are to have for our sickness and in health.
We've read the words of her sons...who have matured beyond their years.  They've continued their lives, but they've been with their Mom every chance they possibly could.
We've watched her Mom, Sandy, show the love a mother has for her child.
We prayed for a miracle and we saw it happen today!
Posted by Austin at 8:30pm:  "One time in English we wrote a paper about the best day of our life. I couldn't think of what it was so I made up some story about how I went skydiving lol. Well I can honestly say when we drove down 79 me and mom both agreed it was the best day of our lives. It has been a long 6 months and we know we have a long road ahead still but today is a huge step. There is only One to thank today, not the doctors, nurses, me , my dad, no one but God. All this time we asked Him to bring her home then. Well today He showed me that His time is perfect, all the waiting just made today so much better! Please continue to pray for continued healing and thanks again everyone! Thank you God most importantly. -Austin"

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