Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Update - Kristi Anthony - 5/22

Posted by Jay at 9:50pm:  "I remember during the time when Kristi was in a coma that all of you prayed for SPECIFIC requests and I haven't been good about asking you recently to pray for her specific needs. A very strong Christian was talking with me today about Kristi's current situation and she said that we needed to pray specifically for "the renewing of Kristi's mind".
I realized that this is exactly what Kristi needs right now. She is struggling so much with trying to walk and this vital element of her recovery has digressed since she has been at Pate. We were blessed with the very best therapists at Zale Liphsy and Kristi made tremendous strides there. Now, mostly due to her memory problems she doesn't feel up to participating in PT many days. Her ST and OT still continue to progress forward but she needs prayers for her PT.
Please pray that her PT and Tech's will become creative in their methods and that they will gain great PATIENCE with Kristi. This seems to be a real issue right now as her PT has said that she is "worn out" after working with Kristi. All of you who know Kristi know that she is a very accommodating and selfless person. Her lack of desire to participate is due to her traumatic brain injury and NOT her personality but she is also struggling with a tremendous amount of fatigue. She has 12 hour days of intensive therapy and commuting.
Kristi needs your SPECIFIC prayers for God to renew her mind and for a loving, caring, patient attitude from her Physical Therapists. It's difficult on these professionals as they are used to faster progess from most patients, but Kristi's injury is a TBI which requires more time. God will heal her completely and He is in Control. I can understand why her therapists are tired, it's an exhausting process and we all need STRENGTH daily. No one is expected to be super human, we need God's help...we all do. - Jay"

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