Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Update on Kristi Anthony - 5/8

Posted by Jay this morning:  "Even though Kristi is an outpatient now (and we are so happy that she is home at night) she continues to need your prayers for God's complete healing. This adjustment has been good for her but it is very difficult too. Her day is comprised of 3 hours traveling in a van and 8 hours of intensive therapy. She begins each day before 6 am and gets home around 6 pm. 
Each day Austin wakes early and takes his Mom around 6:30 to meet the van. He has been so faithful, protective, and caring for his Mom. Please pray for Austin's strength. It is wearing on him and I can see how tired and stressed that he has become. Sandy is helping care for the boys and the house not to mention her tireless care for Kristi. Austin, Tyler, and Cody continue to have to deal with medication and diet while we wait on Kristi's test results. The stress of the unknown is tiresome. Please pray for GOOD and RAPID test results.
We begin each day and end each day thanking God for ALL that HE has already done for Kristi and our family (and live praying without ceasing) . We know that His end result will be Kristi's healing for His glorification! We are praising Him in this storm but I assure you that it is a STORM. We are just humans that err daily and we know that He is perfecting His work in Kristi's life even though we get in the way so often.
Our request is for prayers for Kristi's short term memory, her strength and lack of fear in learning to walk, strength and endurance for Austin, good health and test results for Austin, Tyler, and Cody, strength and health for Sandy, and a Christ-like spirit for us all, especially me. I know that you all are faithful to pray for us without fail and that is what comforts me in asking you for so much. God is in Control - Jay"

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