Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Update - Kristi Anthony - 6/18

Posted by Jay late last night:  "It's a long journey, 7 months yesterday. Many hurdles, many set backs, many sleepless nights, BUT many, many more answered prayers. God is so good, He's good even when we are faithless and weak. All of you faithful followers of Kristi's story are so special to us and we are forever grateful for those who continue in prayer daily...she needs that and so do we all. Her therapy here in Paris started and we have 4 days behind us and I can tell that she is much less fatigued and happier. Her memory is still the biggest problem and it is a constant battle which gives her much fear and trouble BUT I know that God will either send someone special to help her or He will work it out another way...He is able. My specific prayer request is for Kristi's memory to take a great advancement. Please go to our father with that request for Kristi. God is in Control! You faithful prayer warriors are a tremendous force for Kristi's progress in this struggle, thank you. - Jay"

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