Sunday, June 2, 2013

Weekly Update - 6/2

BAPTISMS:  Crystal Offutt and her fiancee Korey Hodges were baptized this week.
RESPONSES:  Kelci Welch went forward this morning, asking for prayers for all the counselors who will be working at Camp Deer Run this summer. 
CONGRATULATIONS:  Leston and Lareece Maggard celebrating their 62nd anniversary.
* Marie Figgins - cancer - PRMC
* John Figgins - cancer
* Mike Grigsby - recovering from stroke and seizure - McKinney Medical Center
* Derald Bulls - upcoming health tests
* Sara Deen Goree - pneumonia - PRMC
* Chuck Brazile - health - Denton Regional
* Kristi Anthony - continuing rehab
* Emma McCarter - broken arm
* Wendell Johnson - health
* Charlotte Cannon - recovering from knee surgery
* Lance Johnson - ALS
* Kathy Marshall's daughter, Mindy Miller - diabetes
* Kathy also asked for prayers for Lorraine Erickson - depression
* Sherry Welch's daughter, Shannon, injured her hand and will have surgery soon.
* Anna Zant and her parents, the Mashburn's - health
* Derald Bulls' friend, Dr. Jim Brunette - recovering from heart attack and stroke.
* Shelle Fowler asked for prayers for Dennis Evans.  He was recently diagnosed with ALS.
* Our sympathy is extended to the family of Bruce Hood, as they grieve his loss.
GRADUATES:  Please remember all of our graduates and their families as they embark on  this next phase of their lives.
WOMEN OF FAITH:  If you are interested in attending the Women of Faith conference on September 20th-21st, please sign up at the Welcome Center.  Information is available on the ladies bulletin board.  See Laura Cannon if you have any further questions.
PANTRY NEEDS:  Peanut Butter and Jelly
SIMPLE SUPPER:  Still only $2 per person. This weeks' entree is Chicken Fried Rice. If weren't able to sign-up, this morning, and would like to join us, call the church office by noon on Tuesday.
June 8:  VBS @ College CoC
June 9:  Doug Faires will be speaking
June 9:  Faithful Readers
June 11: KFC Terrific Tuesdays
June 12: Church at Wade Park
June 16: 2nd section of The Story begins
June 17-20:  Camp Deer Run Day Camp
Love you - MEAN IT!

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