Sunday, June 30, 2013

Weekly Update - 6/30

RESPONSE:  Melanie Swafford asked for prayers..."I want to be a better wife, mother and person."

~~Paul Gene Roden passed away on Monday.
~~Marie Figgins passed away on Tuesday.
~~Norma Bryan passed away on Monday.  (She was a relative of many LACOC members.)
~~James Mann passed away on Saturday.  (Member of College COC and Ann's husband.)
~~Bill Williams passed away on Saturday.  (Former LACOC member and Lucy Staley's brother.)

~~Megan McMillan's new baby girl, Emma Renea, was born on Thursday (6/27).  She weighed 8 lbs. 3 oz. and was 21 inches long.  (Proud grandmother is Karen McMillan.)
~~George and Valerie Speer's son, Joseph Ellison, was born on Saturday (6/29).  He weighed 7 lbs. 5 oz. and was 20 inches long.  (Proud grandparents are Joy and Glen Barnett.)

MISSION TRIP:  Bailey Cannon leaves this Thursday for a medical mission trip to Zambia.

* Lillian Taylor is in DuBois/Room 608.
* Joe Daniels continues to be in PRMC/Room 365.
* Daisy Redding - PRMC/Room 352. 
* Sandra Leath - PRMC/ICU/Bed 4.
* Lewis and Carole Anderson's son, Heath Anderson and family will be traveling to Austin, to hold a VBS camp all week.
* The Anderson's cousin's, Curbe Goolsby is still paralyzed but he knows them now.  His wife Pat, has had another stroke.
* Lesa Bulls' parents, Williard and Mazie Brockinton - health
* Amber Offutt (former member at LACOC) would like prayers of thanksgiving for excellent test results.
* Linda Erwin asked for prayers for a young wife and mother who has proclaimed that she does not believe in God.
* Peggy Jacks good friend, Mary Slagle, is very ill.
* Gene and Ruth Ann Stallings asked for continued prayers for Laurie and David VanderPool and their Haiti medical work.

LOST AND FOUND:  Please check the coat racks across from the nursery and at the kitchen entryway for any items that may belong to you.  These shelves will be cleaned off soon and any unclaimed items will be donated to a local charity or thrown away as needed.

SIMPLE SUPPER:  This weeks entree is New York and Chicago Hot Dogs.  Please donate at least $2 person.

PANTRY NEEDS:  Peanut Butter and Jelly

July 14: Faithful Readers with Mike Grigsby @2pm



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