Sunday, July 28, 2013

Weekly Update - 7/28

  • Robyn Figgins - "that my heart would be pure and more like Jesus".
  • Ora Henderson - "I want to be the grandmother that God can use for her family".
  • The Taylor family in the loss of Lillian.
  • Greg Wilson in the loss of his sister.
Prayer Requests:
  • Sharon Fendley has been dismissed from a Dallas hospital.
  • Mack Ray is recovering from hip surgery this past week.
  • Chuck Brazile has been moved to Select Rehab/Denton.
  • William Offutt returned to services this morning.  He is feeling great.
  • Daisy Redding will have a stent procedure performed on Tuesday morning.
  • Lilla Buchanan is experiencing some health issues.
  • Continue to remember Kristi Anthony as she is still struggling everyday with rehab and her memory issues. 
  • Former member, Mike Banks, has suffered a stroke yesterday.  He had brain surgery to relieve the pressure.  Doctors have placed him in a drug induced coma for healing.   (He's in a hospital in Springfield, MO.)
  • Bruce Ary (friend of Teresa Allen) dealing with liver cancer.
  • Curbe Goolsby (cousin of Lewis Anderson) his condition has regressed.  He's now paralyzed and memory is bad.
  • Tiffany Parker's baby girl, Mila Grace, continues to be in Baylor/Dallas.  Pray for growth and wellness.
  • Ruth Ann Stallings asked for continued prayers for David and Laurie Vanderpool as they are in Haiti.
  • Remember all those who are at church camps and the staff working with the kids.

Honduras Trip:  There will be a group of our high school/college students and sponsors going to the Honduras for a mission trip, August 3-10.  Prayers for safety and success on their trip.

Sunday - August 4th...we will have a special contribution for the building fund for our Niteroi, Brazil missionary effort.

Simple Supper:  This weeks entrĂ©e is Lasagna.  Please donate at least $2 per person. 
Pantry Needs:  Diapers
It's that time of year again! Charlotte Grooms is accepting donations of new back-packs or monetary donations for the purchase of the bags. Charlotte works at Justiss Elementary. You may deliver those to her in the church nursery.
Wednesday Summer Series Speakers:
July 31:  Steve Hemphill from Longview.
Aug 4:   Special contribution for Niteroi building fund.
Aug 7:    Speaker to be announced.
Aug 11:  Faithful Readers
Aug 14:  John Cannon from Texarkana.
Aug 21:  Tim Young from Rockwall.
Next Week:

Love you - MEAN IT!

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