Sunday, July 7, 2013

Weekly Update - 7/7

  • Mike Crews is in PRMC/Room 548.  They are continuing testing.  His temp was better today, but he continues to have the spasms.  The West Nile tests won't be back for another week.
  • Tiffany Parker's baby daughter, Mila Grace, has gained up to 3 lbs 15.6 oz. she is getting feedings every 3 hours, but is on a low flow oxygen, But that is pretty normal for a preemie.  Please keep the family in your prayers as they travel to Dallas and back.
  • Charlotte Grooms' brother, David Nelson, has lung cancer.  The spot has increased from 4 cm to 14 cm in size.  He will start chemo pills tomorrow (Mon).  Please pray for comfort.
  • John McGee will have back surgery on Thursday, July 11th.
  • Mindy Bulls will have knee surgery on Friday, July 12th.
  • Joe Daniels, Daisy Redding and Becky Webb have all been released from the hospital and doing well.
  • Bailey Cannon has arrived safely in Zambia.  She will be there for 3 weeks for a medical mission trip.  Keep her in your prayers for safety while there.

Simple Supper:  This weeks' entrée is Philly Cheese Steak sandwiches.  Please donate at least $2 per person.

Panty Needs:  Crackers

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