Sunday, August 18, 2013

Weekly Update - 8/18

Today was the last day for the 31 week study of "The Story" and what an amazing journey this has been.  Thank you Patrick for all your hard work on the weekly lessons.  Thank you to all the artists who made the 31 banners for the walls.  Thank you to all the teachers and Life Group leaders who have worked so hard to keep the lessons on point each week.  And, thank you Andrew Whitehouse for the beautiful song service this morning. 

Response:  Brice Williams asked for prayers this morning, stating that "my life is still shaky and I need more stability."

Sympathy:  Continue to remember the John Figgins and family as they are mourning the loss of John's brother, Jerry, who passed away on Thursday in Searcy, Arkansas.
  • Dianna Welch had sinus surgery on Thursday and is now recovering at home.
  • Mindy Bulls is recovering at home from knee surgery
  • Dot Campbell continues to recover at home from back surgery.
  • Wanda McFadden was re-admitted to PRMC/Room 518 on Friday.
  • Pat Houser has been moved to Stillhouse Nursing Center.
  • Becky Skinner (Anita Roden's friend) has been battling cancer and it has now gone into her hip and spine.  She's in a lot of pain.
  • Alan Boyd has had a few falls this week.  These have left him a little banged up and sore.
  • Roy Jones is continuing testing.
  • Kristi Anthony is doing great with physical therapy...just needs more prayers for her memory.
  • Tiffany Parker and her baby girl, Mila, are at home now.
  • Chuck Brazile is in Plaza Medical Center/ICU in Ft. Worth.
  • Robert Slider (co-worker of mine) is at home recovering from double by-pass surgery.
  • Remember all college students as they are on their way to start their year!  Keep their parents in your prayers also as their 'babies' leave the nest.
  • Remember the Vanderpool's and their mission work in Haiti.
Niteroi, Brazil Building Project:  Monetary donations are still being taken for this effort.

Backpacks 4 Kids:  Charlotte Grooms is accepting donation of new backpacks or monetary donations.  Charlotte works at Justiss Elementary.  New backpacks are greatly appreciated by the students there.

Teacher Appreciation Luncheon:  We will be honoring the teachers of our community with a luncheon on Tuesday, August 20th, as they prepare for the new school year.  DESSERTS ARE NEEDED!!! We are preparing for 320 teachers this year.  See James Hanley or Patrick Cannon if you would like to help prepare, serve or clean up.  Thanks for your help!

Blood Drive:  Carter Blood Care will be here on Wednesday, Sept 4th from 4pm-8pm.  A sign-up sheet will be available soon.

Simple Supper:  This weeks' entrée is Mexican Stack-Ups.  Please donate at least $2 per person

Pantry Needs:  Soup with meat

Aug 20:  Teacher Appreciation Luncheon
Aug 21:  WSS Speaker -Tim Young from Rockwall
Aug 28:  WSS Speaker -Jerry Savage from Sulphur Springs
Sept 4:    Blood Drive
Sept 8:    Faithful Readers

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