Sunday, September 1, 2013

Weekly Update - 9/1

Our Sympathy is extended to the Brazile family as they mourn the passing of Chuck Brazile.  Visitation is Monday night from 6-8pm at Starrett Funeral Home.  Funeral services will be Tuesday at 2pm at Lamar Avenue.

Baptized:  Brice Williams was baptized last Sunday evening.

Prayer Requests:
  • Helen Norman - recovering from surgery.
  • Tom Wood - will have a CT scan on Tuesday. Prayers for complete healing.
  • Kristi Anthony - continuing rehab and improvement.
  • Ronnie Wilson - very ill in Tyler hospital.
  • Ora Henderson - prayers for her children and grandchildren for safe travel and well being.
  • Joy Lowery - prayers for her sister and family for their well being and direction.
  • Pat Goolsby (Anderson's cousin) - she is having severe anxiety attacks.  She is getting counseling, but afraid to drive, go outside, etc.
  • Jerry Mack - Cancer.
  • Kirk Ramsey - has brain cancer.
  • Michelle Burks and family - death of her sister, Jeana Hohenberger.
  • Lillian Welch - health issues.
  • Remember the VanderPool's and their mission work in Haiti.
  • All of our missionaries - blessings of success!
  • Syrian conflict - prayers for our world leaders.

Blood Drive:  Carter Blood Care will be here on Wednesday, Sept 4th from 4pm-8pm.  A sign-up sheet will be available soon.

Simple Supper:  This weeks' entrée is "Momma's" Meatloaf.  Please donate at least $2 per person

Pantry Needs:  Pasta Sauce.

KEEP THE DATE:Sept 4:    New Wednesday night classes begin
Sept 4:    Blood Drive
Sept 4:    Silver Ring Thing....youth and parents
Sept 8:    Faithful Readers
Sept 11:  Ladies Wednesday Morning Bible Class resumes with guest speaker Kathy Sturch
Oct 6:     Special day at LACOC.  Lunch will be served.  The vision begins! 

Love you - MEAN IT!!

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