Sunday, September 22, 2013

Weekly Update - 9/22

Prayer Requests:
  • Patsy Elliott - PRMC
  • Ora Henderson - PRMC - breathing problems.
  • Terry McDowra - (brother of Cherry Walker and Barbara Fambro) - Legends.
  • Alicia Leopard - (daughter of Ann Huffman) - health
  • Jayson Harvey - (friend of Bettie Ashby) - he has leukemia and is very ill.
  • John Temple - (member of College CoC) - PRMC/Room 308
  • Burrell Kincaid - (friend of Derald Bulls) - had open heart surgery this morning at PRMC.
  • Dustin Smith - (Haley Bulls' friend) - will have surgery Thursday at Methodist/Dallas.

Simple Supper:  This weeks' entrĂ©e is "Mexican Stack-ups".  Please donate at least $2 per person

Pantry Needs:  Spaghetti and Sauce

Sept 25:  Ladies Bible Class
Oct 6: Church Vision meeting at LACOC.  Lunch and childcare will be provided.  The vision begins! 
Oct 13:  Faithful Readers meet
Oct 31:  Trunk or Treat
Nov 15-17:  Family Retreat (one week earlier than usual)

Love you - MEAN IT!!

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