Monday, September 30, 2013

Weekly Update - 9/30

9:00-10:00:  6th grade through adults will meet in the OutReach Bldg.
10:15-11:00:  Worship in the auditorium
11:20-12:15:  Catered lunch in the OutReach Bldg.  (If you didn't sign-up on Sunday, please call church office to RSVP.  They need a count for lunch.)
12:30-3:00:  Afternoon session beings in the OutReach.  Childcare is available. 

Baptism:  Jerry Raper was baptized last Sunday after chuch.

Prayer Requests:
  • Elizabeth Shew - PRMC with lung problems.
  • Ora Henderson - PRMC/Room 329
  • Patsy Elliott - dismissed from the hospital last Monday.
  • Mike Marsters - health issues.
  • Kristi Anthony - continued rehab.
  • Tom Wood - Cancer
  • Lance Johnson - ALS
  • Barbara Adams - (Kathy Daniels' Mom) - PRMC
  • Donna Archer - (Molly Woodall's friend) - recovering at home from stem cell transplant.
  • Wally Kraft - (local veterinarian) has staff infection.
  • Jason Harvey - Leukemia
  • Susan Terranva - (Kathy Marshall's sister) - health and depression
  • Missionaries
  • Our nation and the government
PraiseThank you Lord for the RAIN!

Simple Supper:   This weeks' entrée is Chipotle Bowls.  Please donate at least $2/person.

Pantry Needs:  Soup

Oct 2:  Ladies Bible Class at 10am
Oct 6:  Church Vision meeting - lunch and child care provided
Oct 13:  Faithful Readers at 4pm
Oct 31:  Trunk or Treat
Nov 15-17:  Family Retreat

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