Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Prayer Requests - 10/23

Sarah Smith says that she is doing better, but is still hurting.  Hopes to have an appointment with Dr. Williams on Monday.

Mike Grigsby has been admitted to PRMC/#530 for cardiac issues and testing.  He will be there for a couple of days.

Lindsay McCarter's friend, Wendy McNeal, was taken by ambulance to a Tyler hospital on Monday.  After many tests, it was found that her spinal tap was abnormal and that she has viral meningitis.  It is NOT contagious.  They are having an infectious disease control doctor come in and evaluate her.  She will be at the hospital at least 3 more days.
Continue to pray for her and her little family as well as the doctors and nurses tending to her.

Stefanie Whitley Melton is a 31 year old Mom of 4 small children.  She found out this morning that she has breast cancer.  Her Mom passed away when she was 13 of cancer.  Please pray for her and her family.

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