Monday, October 7, 2013

Weekly Update - 10/7

Thank you to everyone who participated in the VISION SUNDAY!
We appreciate Jon Mullican and Richard Baggett for leading the sessions.
There is lots of hard work going into this VISION!

Jessica Cowan went forward on Sunday morning and asked for prayers.  She will be moving to the College Station area for her job.

Mary Jones asked for prayers for a 7 month old baby in Texarkana.  The baby has suffered a head injury and is being taken off of life support.  The parents are friends of Mary's grandson and his wife and small child who also live in Texarkana.  Please pray for all of them!

Simple Supper:  This weeks' entrĂ©e is Philly Cheese Steak Sandwiches.  Please donate at least $2/per person.

Pantry Needs:  Jars of jelly and canned fruit

Oct 13:  Faithful Readers meet
Oct 31:  Trunk or Treat (sign up at Welcome Center)
Nov 15-17:  Family Retreat

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