Monday, November 11, 2013

Prayer Requests - 11/11

  • Hugh Anthony will have surgery tomorrow, in Plano, to clear out his arteries in his legs. Any type of surgery is scary for an 86 year old.
  • Next Monday (18th) Austin Anthony will be having some intensive tests on his heart. Please keep him and all the family in your prayers. 
  • Sue Salter will be getting the results today on her MRI. 
  • Penny Jones is the healthcare nurse for Ed Bullard.  She will be having major surgery at Medical City tomorrow.
  • Mike Smith, son-in-law of Mark and Marianne Whitehouse is improving after his accident last week. 
  • Glenda Parson asked that we add Branden Felker to the Military Deployed list.  Branden was deployed to Afghanistan last Thursday.  He is scheduled to be there for 3 months. (He is in the Air Force and stationed in Ft Worth.)  Their home is in Weatherford so Dichele and Brylen will spend time between Weatherford and Paris during his deployment.  (As grandparents, Dwayne and I are hoping for more Paris time than Weatherford.) 
  • Nelda Skinner asked that we remember Roger & Claudia Dawdy. Roger is very ill in the hospital in Longview. They are former members at LACOC and Claudia is the sister of Fran Dobbs (also former member). 
  • Gilbert and Lynda Smith (former members at LACOC) asked that we pray for their daughter Kathi.  She had her yearly breast exam a couple of weeks ago.  They called her back for another mammogram and sonogram.  Then called her back for a biopsy.  We met with the doctor last Friday, the biopsy came back positive for cancer.  He assured us it is in the early stages, but she has 3 tumors in her breast.  He did not find that it has spread to her lymph nodes, so that's a blessing.  They will set her up with an oncologist and surgeon this coming week.  Please keep all of us in your prayers - that her surgery goes well and that Gilbert and I hold up thru this - nothing is much worse than having something go wrong with one of your kids.


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