Thank you Keith Bollman for the VERY moving message this morning! I felt a fire being lit!
Thank you Stephan Gerrald for the beautiful song service! ("I'm Gonna View That Holy City" may be my new favorite song!)
RESPONSE: Sherrie Boyd feels that her "heart has grown cold...the passion isn't there"...she knows that HE can rekindle her heart.
BRAZIL MISSION TRIP: Continue to remember Patrick, Kari Ann, Clint, Rachel, Lewis and Carole as they are in Brazil and prayers as they return home this week.
2023 VISION: Please keep the group of 18 members who have been chosen to head up the process: Michelle Anderson, Jared Baggett, Keith Bollman, Derald Bulls, Patrick Cannon, Rebecca Cowan, Linda Erwin, Doug Faires, Robyn Figgins, Clint Gage, Andy Garner, Maggie Kerby, Laquita Lawrence, Connelle Peace, Marcelino Rodriquez, Maureen Spencer, Ruth Ann Stallings and Elton Weeks.
- Mary Jones had surgery this week. Prayers for her recovery.
- Kristi Anthony - as she continues to have walking, memory, depression and confusion issues.
- Austin Anthony - health
- Sarah Smith was back at church this morning. Great to see her feeling better!
- Ora Henderson was at church this morning! So good to have her back!
- Mike Smith (the Whitehouse's son-in-law) has a concussion from an accident on Friday. He is in Queen's Hospital in Hawaii.
- Mary Lloyd - cancer
- Trina Dean asked for prayers for her friend, Danny Reaves, who suffered a stroke.
- Our sympathy is extended to former members, Robert and Cindy Ward, in the passing of his Mom, Emma. Her services will be on Monday.
- Paul Derringer - Cancer - local minister.
- Dr. Wally Kraft - Infection in his knee and will have knee replacement once it heals. (Local veterinarian.)
- Gerald Housley - Has suffered 2 strokes and a blood clot. He is on a vent and hasn't woke up yet. He will have a trachea procedure on Monday. (Friend of mine from Frisco.)
SIMPLE SUPPER: This weeks entree is Chicken Strips. Please donate at least $2 per person.
PANTRY NEEDS: Canned Fruit and Crackers
Nov 13: All classes meet in the auditorium
Nov 15-17: Family Retreat
Dec 25: No Wednesday night service.
Jan 1: No Wednesday night service.
Love you - MEAN IT!
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